What is a ‘domain’ and is this a useful question?
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منابع مشابه
In this paper, authors tackle three very important questions that need to be answered if a theory of design is to be constructed. The first is what designers do, Which we attempt to illustrate with the help of case studies and theories of design practice. The second question is what guides designers. Here, authors try to present some of the proposed normative positions about design, to show t...
In this paper, authors tackle three very important questions that need to be answered if a theory of design is to be constructed. The first is what designers do, Which we attempt to illustrate with the help of case studies and theories of design practice. The second question is what guides designers. Here, authors try to present some of the proposed normative positions about design, to show t...
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Most researches related to industrial strategy domain fall into two levels: macro (national or industry sector), and corporate. However, studying the level of each industry and its relationship with the higher and lower levels has not adequately been taken into consideration. Therefore, the main question of this research is what the components of petrochemical industry strategy are and what typ...
متن کاملPresenting a method for extracting structured domain-dependent information from Farsi Web pages
Extracting structured information about entities from web texts is an important task in web mining, natural language processing, and information extraction. Information extraction is useful in many applications including search engines, question-answering systems, recommender systems, machine translation, etc. An information extraction system aims to identify the entities from the text and extr...
متن کاملتئوری شایستهسالاری مدیریتی بر مبنای استراتژی تئوری داده- بنیاد: برداشتی از نهجالبلاغه
This paper is the result of a research titled ‘identifying management competency system based on Nahj-ol-Balagheh". Since in this re-search, the grounded theory was used, a conceptual model and hypo-thesis was not compiled. Based on the requirements of grounded theory research strategy, the primary question in this research was: what is the best system of management competency based on Nahj-ol-...
متن کاملThe question what of subject-based commentary and its difference with Quran to Quran commentary
Subject-based commentary is one of the methods more used by commentators in recent decades than before. In this method, commentators may take a Quranic subject on the basis of inter-Quranic or metaphysical fields, or on the grounds of individual and social life. This method differs from that of Quran to Quran. The latter would lead to explanation and deep perception of the meaning of Quranic wo...
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